Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"There's no crying in baseball!"

So what is it with crying in athletics? I'm an athlete, I know how emotions rise real high in competition. I understand losing and shedding a tear as you come up just a bit short especially at the olympics. 4 years of training to just come up a few points short? I even understand crying when you win a big game or event. The overwhelming power of emotions that overcome you. The realization that all the hard work and all those people involved have paid off and you have reached the pinnacle. But What is this Danish Girl's problem? Get a tissue honey, and step off the ice.

So the fans try to mess you up a little on their turf, while your competing against their countrymen? What did you expect? a standing O when you do well? I don't care if it is curling or golf or football, at this level, you should be able to deal with some crowd noise. There should be a level of concentration where you can tune them out or at least focus primarily on your next move rather than worrying about the mean old fat man said from the 12th row.

Ok, he might be a little distracting. But this is an Eagles fan, not a Canadian curling fanatic. Call me crazy, but Miss Danish Lady, you are at the Olympics. Be happy you made it. Be happy you have that ability. And have the composure not to let a couple knuckleheads get you so worked up that you miss two potential game winners. You had two opportunities, don't blame the fans for you not being mentally prepared. GO CANADA:

--A Canadian bloke is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm.
His friend Randy stops him and asks, "Hey Dave! Whatcha got that case of beer for?"
"Well, I got it for my wife, you see?" answers Dave.
"Wow," exclaims Randy, "Great trade."--

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